Featured Projects

Quarry Mining, Zoning & Appropriation Permits

GSC was retained by a quarry operator to provide expert groundwater consulting services in support of the quarry's application for zoning approval, a mining permit and an associated groundwater appropriation permit to dewater a large limestone quarry in Washington County, Maryland.

Photo showing a quarry

Services included the analysis of dye trace tests and aquifer tests, and the assessment of the potential impact of this operation on a major nearby spring that supplies a state fish hatchery.

Extensive studies were made of the hydrogeological conditions in the vicinity of the quarry site and the potential impact to groundwater elevations as dewatering operations in the active quarry occurred. Spring discharge quality during precipitation events was also assessed.

Ultimately, the groundwater flow pattern was determined to be controlled by bedrock structural features that prevent impacts to the spring. Expert services also included testimony at county zoning hearings and state appropriation permit hearings.

All approvals were received for this quarry as originally requested by the operator and the quarry remains in operation today with decades of available and permitted reserves.