Brownfields Investigation and Remediation
(Pennsylvania Act 2)
Groundwater Sciences Corporation (GSC) has a unique depth of experience and understanding of Act 2 (the Pennsylvania Land Recycling Program) and Brownfields redevelopment. GSC, through its participation in the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, helped to draft the state's Act 2 statute in the 1990s.
GSC's founder, Craig Robertson, has served on the Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board (CSSAB) since 1995 and was the Board's first chairman. Other members of GSC's senior staff have served on CSSAB subcommittees and are in regular communication with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Central Office and Regional Office senior staff. We are also intimately familiar with other programs, including the Pennsylvania Storage Tank Program (Chapter 245) and the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA), that are frequently important factors in property redevelopment.
GSC has worked with all six regional offices of the PADEP on Brownfields redevelopment projects. Click on a PADEP region for detailed descriptions of our Act 2 Brownfields projects:
Representative Brownfields Projects

Map courtesy of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Smaller local projects have involved service stations and bank branches. By integrating our working experience with many legal professionals and developers, our technical expertise, and our knowledge of statutes and regulations, GSC serves as a valuable team member to those seeking to redevelop properties.