Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) Investigations and Corrective Actions

Groundwater Sciences Corporation (GSC) has extensive experience in providing consulting services related to the assessment and remediation of leaking fuel and chemical storage tank impacts. Our staff has a thorough understanding of the difficulties one can encounter in dealing with petroleum products and solvents in various geologic terrains. We apply proven techniques to assess tank impacts, characterize soil and groundwater conditions, and select an appropriate remediation alternative to correct the problem.

Our reputation for quality service and sensible approach to dealing with difficult tank problems is exceptional. One indication of our commitment to technical excellence is our service as a technical third party reviewer for the Pennsylvania Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF). Our wide experience and knowledgeable application of available techniques have resulted in a high degree of success in selecting appropriate cleanup options. Our experience in site remediation ranges from aggressive remedial methods to natural attenuation following source removal.
- Tank Closure/Impact Assessment
- Closure Compliance Oversight
- Soil Impact Assessment
- Hydrogeologic Characterization
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Product/Source Forensic Investigation
- Impact Delineation
- Impact Remediation
- Product Recovery
- Air Sparging & Soil Vapor Extraction
- Groundwater Removal & Treatment
- Natural Attenuation Applicability
- Enhanced Biodegradation
- Impacted Soil Removal